Greglynn Gibbs
Greglynn is CNS Platform Laboratory Manager in R&D at Spark Therapeutics, Inc. Her educational and professional career path has taken her through a number of fields that have provided her with a broad perspective and research skill set in academia, government, biotech, and pharma. For more information about Greglynn, and to connect, she can be found on
LinkedIn. If you were to ask Greglynn for the best career advice she could give, she would say, "The best advice I can give anyone, no matter what educational or career stage they may be in is to stay active and informed. Staying active keeps you connected, and keeps your mind working and focused. Staying informed through reading, workshops and online training keeps you up-to-date in your field and aware of intersectional opportunities. There is so much more going on in your field outside the four walls surrounding your desk or workplace. Challenging yourself to learn, be active, be part of a team, and think outside the box is the most rewarding thing you can do to help yourself succeed."
Email Greglynn here.