History of the Section
Fifteen academic and industrial chemists met on February 15, 1894 in a Recitation Room in Lehigh University's Chandler Laboratory in Bethlehem, PA to form the Lehigh Valley local section of the American Chemical Society, only the fifth such local section at the time. An Executive Committee was nominated and elected consisting of President, William H. Chandler, Secretary, A.H. Welles, Treasurer, Albert L. Colby and member, Clemens Jones. The section agreed to meet monthly, alternating between venues in Bethlehem and Easton. The early membership was both academic and industrial, with many working in both camps. [Founding of LVACS]
In this November 2020 video hosted by the late Dr. Ned Heindel, Emeritus Professor at Lehigh University, the colleges and universities of our section present brief pre-recorded summaries of their histories and a snapshot of their current degree programs. Participating schools in this video are: Lehigh University, Penn State/Berks, Penn State/Lehigh Valley, Lafayette College, Moravian College, Albright College, Cedar Crest College, DeSales University and Muhlenberg College
125 Years of Growth
LVACS celebrated its 125th anniversary at a Gala Event at Lehigh University on Saturday, March 16, 2019 with District III Director Teri Quinn Gray in attendance. The section has undergone many significant changes over the course of 1 1/4 centuries, including the loss of major chemistry-employing manufacturing industries such as Bethlehem Steel, New Jersey Zinc, Atlas Powder, JT Baker/Mallinckrodt, GAF, Western Electric and the divestiture of the Air Products and Chemicals specialty chemicals businesses. In their place has been a resurgence of small entrepreneurship aided by the presence of a vibrant academic community and several small business incubators, the largest of which is the state-funded Ben Franklin TechVentures. Today, the section numbers over 500 members.
LVACS' Awards for Serving our Community
The Lehigh Valley section has provided many leaders to the national organization, including eight ACS Presidents. Also, LVACS has been awarded a number of ACS ChemLuminary awards: for best section and for specific activities and events supporting our varied membership. Our LVACS brochure gives a summary of who we are and what we do for our community. 

In 2020, the Da Vinci Science Center of Allentown presented LVACS with its Grand Maestro award given annually to a partner recognized for its substantial contributions to the scientific community and the Center. See the presentation of the award and the Pennsylvania State Senate's proclamation (photo at left) by Lin Erickson, CEO and Director of Da Vinci Science Center, at our September 17th 2020 meeting outside the Center.

The Lehigh Valley Section reports its activities to the Society annually:
2024 Annual Governance Report
2024 Annual Financial Report
2024 Events Listing
Officers 2025

Chester Crane, crane@musselpolymers.com
Carl Salter, salterc@moravian.edu

Immediate Past Chair:
Philip Elias, philipjelias@gmail.com 
Nigel Sanders, nigel53.sanders@gmail.com     
Sherman Cox, shermdc51@gmail.com

Interested in serving your local section as an officer? See the description of officer roles here. Unsure? Ask the Chair or Secretary if there is an opportunity to serve on a Standing Committee.

Term ends 12/31/26:
Matt Sonntag, msonntag@albright.edu

Terms end 12/31/27:
Jeanne Berk, jrberk@cedarcrest.edu  
John Freeman, jcf2@rcn.com (alternate)

Standing Committee Chairs
John Freeman, jcf2@rcn.com
Chemistry Olympiad Coordinator: 
Gail Marsella, gailmarsella@muhlenberg.edu
Education/SEED coordinator: 
Strategic Planning:
Nigel Sanders, nigel53.sanders@gmail.com
Minority Affairs:
NCW/CCEW Coordinator:

Philip Elias, philipjelias@gmail.com
Nominating Committee:
Mike Bertucci, bertuccm@lafayette.edu

Newsletter Editor:
Nigel Sanders, nigel53.sanders@gmail.com
Professional Relations/Career Counseling:
Greglynn Gibbs, greglgibbs@gmail.com
Program Committee:
[current section Chair-elect]

Senior Chemists:
Nigel Sanders, nigel53.sanders@gmail.com 
Women Chemists:
Yi Du, duyidoit@gmail.com
Younger Chemists:
Steve Boyer, sboyer11@esu.edu

Learn more about LVACS

The Lehigh Valley section continues to grow through the efforts of a diverse membership. If you'd like to join us as a member or as an affiliated organization, contact us at the link below.

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Ever wonder about the ACS logo symbol? It's based on two images (the mythical phoenix and the kaliapparat for carbon determination) set in a diamond representing the ancient four "elements" of air, fire, water and earth. Read more about the symbol here.

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